Saturday, 16 April 2011

The second Black Friday of my life.

This is horrible in the moment. I don't like what has happened in the poker world in the last 26 hours.  Change freaks me out.  It always has.  My reactions to yesterdays indictment was shock, disbelief, denial, anger and so on.  It feels like so many of my friends have been laid off, and potentially more will lose 'normal' jobs based on the fall out.  I am concerned for what this will mean for the WSOP this's only 6 weeks away! 

I am fortunate that poker is not my livelihood and that I am Canadian (perhaps foremost), so I can hardly imagine the fear and devastation that some of my American friends are facing.  I hope that they can take a few days/weeks of vacation, essentially let cooler heads prevail and start reformulating a plan of attack.  Poker players are intelligent people and I have no doubt that we will recover. 

I had a bad week a while ago, was chatting to my friend about some of my issues and the comment he made was essentially that my concerns were all 'first world problems' and while I was angry at first to have to acknowledge that, it helped me keep things in perspective.  The FBI, DOJ, the indictments and all that surrounding this is just that....a first world problem.

I feel like I have more to write....but I have to go curling.  :)

Oh yes, this was the first "Black Friday"

I remember it all to well. 

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